May 1, 2009

Realplayer 11 for Linux: New deb package

Like countless other people, I use Realplayer 11.0 on my Ubuntu Linux. Traditionally, one has two routes for installation - either download and install the deb file from or use the medibuntu repository.

The problem with using the "official" deb is that it has countless (31 actually) dependencies - many of which are just not needed. The medibuntu version is plagued with (a) no progress bar (b) crashes in Jaunty.

So, here is a new deb file which is a repackaged form of the official deb with the right dependencies put in. If you have a deb based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint etc), you will be prompted to start installation using the gDebi installer. BUT - I suggest that before taking the leap, you (a) uninstall any realplayer installation using synaptic (b) close your browser.

It works for me - I hope it's useful for you too.

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