April 17, 2008

Convert Flash Video (FLV) to mp3 in Linux

This post tells you how to convert FLV from Youtube or similar websites to MP3 format. This was requested by my friend Dimple who wanted the MP3 version of a Bhangra track from Youtube. This is just my notes from what I did to get the final MP3 file. I am running Ubuntu Gutsy on a Intel box.

  1. Install the miro player
  2. Launch miro (from Applications->Sound & Video->Miro. You should now be able to search, play and download the flash video from Youtube. The file will be saved in ~/.miro/Movies/YouTube/ and will have extension .flv
  3. Now the important bit - you need to install the packages ffmpeg, lame and id3ed. You can install them on Ubuntu by invoking the command (in a terminal window)
    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg lame id3ed
  4. Descend into the miro Movies directory
    cd ~/.miro/Movies/YouTube
  5. Now using ffmpeg command, convert myfile.flv downloaded in step 2 above to a wav file (all one line - do not break the following into multiple lines)
    ffmpeg -title 'My File' -i myfile.flv -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ab 128 -vn -y myfile.wave
  6. Now create an mp3 file from myfile.wav (created in the last step) using lame
    lame --preset cd myfile.wav myfile.mp3
  7. Edit the id3 tags of your newly created mp3 file using the id3ed command
    id3ed myfile.mp3
  8. Enjoy :)

April 5, 2008

ATI 1600 + fglrx + Dell 2407 WFP and all that

Well, I am really chuffed about finally getting my 24'' Dell 2407WFP monitor working with Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 beta.